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4 Light Arri Softbank I Kit:
1 Arrilite 1000w head, 1 Arrilite barndoors, 4
2 650w fresnels w/doors, 1 Arrilite speedring, 1

1 300w fresnel w/doors, 1 small VidPro Chimera,
3 spare lamps,

2 650w 4 piece scrim sets, 2 Arrilite scrims

1 300w 4 piece scrim set.
3-light Arri Kit:
2-300w fresnels, 1-650w fresnel,
w/barndoors, set of 4 scrims & gel
frame/bag per
unit, 3 stands, rolling case, spare (Can add Chim ring & bank for $15)
4 Light Dedolight Kit:
4 Dedo DLH2 Heads, 4 barn doors, power
supply/control, 4 header cables, 3 header
extensions, 85mm projection lens, gobo holder,
2 spare lamps, 4 stands, case.

Dedolight Projection Kit:
1 85 mm projection lens, 1 extension tube, 1 slide holder, 1 Gobo holder, 1 projection iris, 4 framing shutter blades.
3 Light Lowel DP Kit:
3 Lowel DP lights w/doors, 2 DP light scrims, 1 snoot, 1 superspot reflector, 1 umbrella, 3 spare lamps, 3 stands, 1 case.
3 Light Pepper Kit:
1 Pepper 420w light w/doors, 1 totaclamp, 3 spare lamps, 1 Pepper 400w softlight, 1 400 soft eggcrate, 3 stands, 1 Pepper 200w light w/doors, 2 ceiling clamps, 1 case, 4 Pepper 200/420 scrims.
4 Light Ianiro Redhead Kit:
4 1000w redhead lights w/doors, 4 redhead scrims, 1 case, 4 stands, 2 spare lamps.
4 Light Lowel Omni-Tota Kit:
3 Omni lights with doors, 4 Omni/Tota cables, 1 Totalight, 3 gel frames, 3 Omni scrims, 1 door mount, 2 Tota clamps, 1 umbrella, 2 scissor clamps, 4 spare lamps, 4 stands, 1 case.
4 Light Pepper Kit:
2 Pepper 420w lights w/doors, 4 Pepper 420 scrims, 4 spare lamps, 2 Pepper 100w lights w/doors, 4 Pepper 100 scrims, 4 stands, 1 Pepper c-clamp w/stud, 2 ceiling clamps, 1 case.

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